Sunday, June 17, 2012

California Fire Extinguisher Training

The California Labor Code, Cal/OSHA, and Federal regulations require employers to provide all employees yearly training in the use of portable fire extinguishers. OSHA Title 8, paragraph G reads:
"Where the employer has provided fire extinguishers for employee use in the work place, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize employees with the general principals of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient state fire fighting."

Due to increased enforcement efforts and strict fines for non-compliance, we have recently had many more requests for our fire extinguisher training classes. We urge you to take advantage of our excellent and very inexpensive training program by calling to arrange a class or purchase our DVD based training. Our classes take approximately 30 minutes and include the following required topics:

  • The three main types of fires and how they behave inside a building
  • The 3 steps to follow in case of a fire at work
  • The different types of fire extinguishers and how to use them
  • Hands on training with portable fire extinguishers on a real fire

The class comes complete with hand outs, an attendance sheet, and an outline for your employee safety training file which, when kept together, show that the OSHA requirement has been met. For any size group, the cost of the program is only $99.95 to $134.95 per session depending on location. We charge you an additional $40 for appointments outside of normal business hours. The only other cost is to recharge the fire extinguisher used in the demonstration.

Contact Firecode Safety Equipment, Inc. for additional details or visit our website (Pricing is current for 2012)

Fire Extinguishers at Work

NFPA®'s acclaimed "Fire Extinguishers at Work" video gives employees the vital skills they need to protect themselves and your facility. Check out this clip from the Video.

For more information or to buy NFPA's Fire Extinguishers at Work DVD:

For more information or to buy the Fire Extinguishers at Work Video, Brochure and NFPA 10 Set:

Firecode Safety Equipment, Inc.

Sacramento, California Fire Protection Company:
Office: (916) 456-5561
Toll Free: (800) 326-FIRE (3473)

3722 W Pacific Ave
Sacramento CA 95820-1000
Protecting home residents and commercial business owners in California with fire protection systems since 1982.

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